Mendeley Desktop is a bibliographic manager from Elsevier, it helps in working with a large number of electronic books. The program helps to structure and store bibliographic descriptions and makes the processing of literary data comfortable. The application was developed by researchers to make it easier to write reports, dissertations, etc. You can use the link on this page and download the official version of Mendeley Desktop free.

The program has a tabbed mode, it allows you to open at once a large number of books in any format, a search engine that facilitates the work, there is a function of creating notes on the pages and file fields.

The main function of the application is to bring order to your digital library, organize files, create directories.

Mendeley Desktop is an aggregator of scientific publications with social networking features for scientists, the program supports most operating systems and works through a web interface. After registration you get access to a huge library of scientific papers, you can publish your own work or download your favorite articles from the library to your PC. The program is synchronized with cloud storage. The application has a teamwork function for the project.

Mendeley Desktop application is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac operating platforms.

The program features

  • clear interface in English;
  • interoperability with other devices;
  • library export in BibTeX format;
  • tagging;
  • Google Scholar search;
  • text search engine;
  • tagging;
  • color highlighting;
  • saving in PDF format.

How to download Mendeley Desktop

To download the Mendeley Desktop utility download the file that can be found on this page. Then open it and wait for the program to be fully installed. Once the software installation is complete, get started.